Dating A Libertarian Taught Me Something

They’re just the sect of the ultra-right who are okay with marijuana.

April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
3 min readJan 10, 2024
photo via Unsplash

I don’t have the best dating history. It’s simply a fact, I don’t deny my ability to attract men who are just not good people. I’ve come to terms with it, and had all but stopped dating before the subject of this story and I started seeing one another.

I could tell from his social media he was right leaning, but it didn’t look ultra-right. I thought it was the old flavor of Republican, the reduce welfare program flavor, not the MAGA mouth-frothing breed.

I was so wrong.

I asked him how he politically identified, and he said, “I’m a Libertarian”. I thought I would look into it later, and we agreed not to discuss politics, and went on with our day. Fantastic. Crisis averted.

Not really though.

It seems they are MAGA in different hats, or the intended target of the propaganda that is spewed by the ultra-right. They love guns. MAGA won’t see gun rights restricted, not on their watch.

They want a government which funds only police and military factions, while children starve, and mental health services are fully rescinded. Basically, support yourself, or die in the streets.



April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface

Author. Columnist. Activist. Poet basically since birth. Defender of dogs and underdogs, follow me on Substack: