Oh, Weaponized Incompetence…

They can do it, they just don’t. Or it’s done incorrectly on purpose.

April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
5 min readJan 28, 2023
photo via pexels

Few things piss me off like weaponized incompetence. You hand me a guy who pretends he doesn’t know how to properly load a dishwasher; I assure you I’m going to lose my shit. Quickly.

We all know them, though. The guy who won’t even lift his feet as his wife is running the vacuum with a baby literally breastfeeding at the same time. The guy who changed a diaper. Once. When his wife had the flu and threatened him with divorce when he tried to call his mother to come do it.

For many years, I was so lucky and never appreciated it. My first husband, OCD about cleanliness, just like myself. He wouldn’t do dishes, though. That was his hill to die on. Which should be okay, right? Wrong.

I was working 60-hour weeks, he was unemployed and home playing Madden with the neighbor all day. I had better not come home to dishes in the sink. And now you understand why I’m no longer married.

Actually, it wasn’t the dishes. It was 5 years later, when he finally got a job, and I came home unexpectedly one day to find he had hidden his truck across the street at his brother’s so he could play hookie from work. He hid his hookie day from me. I knew then we weren’t partners, and we never would be. He…



April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface

Author. Columnist. Activist. Poet basically since birth. Defender of dogs and underdogs, follow me on Substack: askabitchface@substack.com